Wednesday, January 18, 2006

We Have Been Assigned A Social Worker!!

Our agency called us Monday afternoon to let us know that they have assigned us a social worker who will be calling us in a few days to set up our first home study appointment!!! I am SO EXCITED!! The agency told us in orientation to expect a wait of a week to two weeks before being assigned a social worker once our application was received. We just mailed in our application last Tuesday, the 10th, and we heard from them in less than a week! I'll just take that as another sign that we are walking down the right path. I will post again as soon as we schedule our first appointment!! Yay!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hi Amy! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Shawn told me about you guys wanting to adopt. I think that is wonderful and a very honorable thing to do. It takes a special family to adopt.

It sounds like you are on your way too! That's great! I'm sure it can be a very stressful process and I hope it goes smoothly for you. I'll drop by your blog to keep up with how everything is going.

BTW, your boys are too cute! It's hard to believe how quickly our children grow up!